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Within our system, five main types of operations occur:

  • Getting data by ID: This operation involves retrieving specific data entries from the microservice based on their unique identifier (ID). This allows for the retrieval of individual records as needed.

  • Getting all data: This operation involves retrieving all available data from the microservice.

  • Deletion: Deleting existing records. This typically involves interacting with the microservice to remove specific records.

  • Update of existing entries: This refers to making changes by sending data to the microservice for processing and storage.

  • Creation: This involves creating new records by sending data to the microservice for processing and storage.


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When creating entities for microservices, the process is largely similar to creating entities for database access, with a few notable exceptions.

1) Instead of creating an entity, we establish a mapping entity through which data will be sent to the microservice.

2) Instead of using FieldMetaBuilder, we utilize AnySourceFieldMetaBuilder._

3) Instead of using VersionAwareResponseService, we utilize AnySourceVersionAwareResponseService.

4) Create extends AbstractAnySourceBaseDAO implements AnySourceBaseDAO service

  • Step1.1 Create mapping entity through which data will be sent to the microservice
    public class MyEntityOutServiceDTO implements Serializable {
        private String id;
        private String customField;
        private String customField;
  • Step1.2 Create DAO extends AbstractAnySourceBaseDAO implements AnySourceBaseDAO Override methods:

    public class MyEntityDao extends AbstractAnySourceBaseDAO<MyEntityOutServiceDTO> implements AnySourceBaseDAO<MyEntityOutServiceDTO> {
        private final IntegrationConfiguration integrationConfig;
        private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
        public String getId(final MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
            return entity.getId();
        public void setId(final String id, final MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
        public MyEntityOutServiceDTO getByIdIgnoringFirstLevelCache(final BusinessComponent bc) {
                    fromUriString(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl() + "/{id}").build()
                    GET, null, MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class
        public Page<MyEntityOutServiceDTO> getList(final BusinessComponent bc, final QueryParameters queryParameters) {
            //Page size
            String page = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_page");
            String limit = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_limit");
            List<String> filterCustomField = getFilterFieldName(queryParameters, "customField", "contains");
            Optional<String> filter = filterCustomField.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(filterCustomField.get(0));
            List<String> sortCustomField = getSortFieldName(queryParameters, "customField");
            Optional<String> sort = sortCustomField.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(sortCustomField.get(0));
            String urlTemplate = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl())
                    .queryParam("number", page)
                    .queryParam("size", limit)
                    .queryParamIfPresent("filterCustomField", filter)
                    .queryParamIfPresent("sortCustomField", sort)
            ResponseEntity<RestResponsePage<MyEntityOutServiceDTO>> responseEntity =
                    new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {
            return responseEntity.getBody();
        private List<String> getSortFieldName(QueryParameters queryParameters, String fieldName) {
            return queryParameters.getParameters().entrySet().stream()
                    .filter(f -> f.getKey().contains("_sort"))
                    .filter(f -> f.getValue().contains(fieldName))
                    .map(m -> {
                                String[] splitOperation = m.getKey().split("\\.");
                                return splitOperation[splitOperation.length - 1];
        private List<String> getFilterFieldName(QueryParameters queryParameters, String fieldName, String searchSpec) {
            return queryParameters.getParameters().entrySet().stream()
                    .filter(f -> f.getKey().contains(fieldName + "." + searchSpec))
        public void delete(BusinessComponent bc) {
                    fromUriString(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl() + "/{id}").build().expand(bc.getIdAsLong()).normalize().encode()
                    DELETE, null, Void.class
        public MyEntityOutServiceDTO create(BusinessComponent bc, MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
                    POST, new HttpEntity<>(entity), MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class
        public MyEntityOutServiceDTO update(BusinessComponent bc, MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
                    PUT, new HttpEntity<>(entity), MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class
  • Step1.3 Create DTO extends DataResponseDTO Creating fields in DTO with the necessary properties, such as, for example,filtering is described in the article field types

    public class MyExampleDTO extends DataResponseDTO {
        @SearchParameter(name = "customField", provider = StringValueProvider.class)
        private String customField;
        public MyExampleDTO(MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
   = entity.getId();
            this.customField = entity.getCustomField();
  • Step1.4 Create MetaBuilder extends AnySourceFieldMetaBuilder

    see more Meta builder

    public class MyExampleMeta extends AnySourceFieldMetaBuilder<MyExampleDTO> {
        public void buildRowDependentMeta(RowDependentFieldsMeta<MyExampleDTO> fields, BcDescription bc,
                                          String id, String parentId) {
        public void buildIndependentMeta(FieldsMeta<MyExampleDTO> fields, BcDescription bcDescription,
                                         String parentId) {
  • Step1.5 Create Service extends AnySourceVersionAwareResponseService

    public class MyExampleService extends AnySourceVersionAwareResponseService<MyExampleDTO, MyEntityOutServiceDTO> {
        public MyExampleService() {
            super(MyExampleDTO.class, MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class, MyExampleMeta.class, MyEntityDao.class);
        protected CreateResult<MyExampleDTO> doCreateEntity(MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity, BusinessComponent bc) {
            return new CreateResult<>(entityToDto(bc, entity));
        protected ActionResultDTO<MyExampleDTO> doUpdateEntity(MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity, MyExampleDTO data, BusinessComponent bc) {
            if (data.isFieldChanged(MyExampleDTO_.customField)) {
            return new ActionResultDTO<>(entityToDto(bc, entity));
        public Actions<MyExampleDTO> getActions() {
            return Actions.<MyExampleDTO>builder()
                    .create(crt -> crt.text("Add"))
                                    .action(act -> act
                                            .action("delete", "delete")
                                    .action(act -> act
                                            .action("save", "save")
  • Step1.6 Create PlatformController implements EnumBcIdentifier

    public enum PlatformMyExampleController implements EnumBcIdentifier {
        public static final EnumBcIdentifier.Holder<PlatformMyExampleController> Holder = new Holder<>(
        private final BcDescription bcDescription;
        PlatformMyExampleController(String parentName, Class<?> serviceClass, boolean refresh) {
            this.bcDescription = buildDescription(parentName, serviceClass, refresh);
        PlatformMyExampleController(Class<?> serviceClass) {
            this((String) null, serviceClass, false);
        public static class BcSupplier extends AbstractEnumBcSupplier<PlatformMyExampleController> {
            public BcSupplier() {


Getting data by ID (getByIdIgnoringFirstLevelCache)


In this example, we're addressing the scenario where the service obtaining data only by ID. If your service relies solely on natural keys for data retrieval, you may find the following article helpful.


Step1 Method getByIdIgnoringFirstLevelCache takes a BusinessComponent as input.

When calling the service, it's essential to provide the Id record as a parameter for which data will be returned.

Long Id  = bc.getIdAsLong().

Example of fetching data using REST:

    public MyEntityOutServiceDTO getByIdIgnoringFirstLevelCache(final BusinessComponent bc) {
                fromUriString(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl() + "/{id}").build()
                GET, null, MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class

Getting data all (getList)

This method incorporates additional peculiaritys such as filtering, sorting, record limits, and page numbers.

  • Page size: This parameter refers to the number of items or records displayed on a single page of a user interface or returned in a single response from an API. It's used in pagination systems to control how much data is fetched or displayed at once.

  • Limit: This parameter sets a maximum limit on the number of items or records that can be returned or processed by the service. It's a way to prevent overloading the system with too much data at once.

  • Filter: This parameter allows users to specify criteria for filtering the data they want to retrieve or process. Filters could be based on various attributes or properties of the data, allowing users to narrow down their results to only the items that meet specific conditions.

  • Sorting: This parameter would involve specifying the order in which the results are presented. Might want to sort data based on certain attributes, such as alphabetical order, numerical order, date, etc. Sorting can typically be done in ascending or descending order.

Combining these parameters allows users to control and customize the behavior of the service according to their needs, enabling efficient data retrieval and processing.


Method getList takes a BusinessComponent as input.

Step1 Page size.

String page = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_page");

Step2 Limit.

String limit = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_limit");

Step3 Sorting.

If the application lacks a sorting feature, it implies that the parameter associated with sorting would be absent.


In the map key, receive the sorting direction: 'desc' for descending or 'asc' for ascending

For example, map key = _sort.0.desc

In the map value, obtain the name of the filtered field specified in to corresponding field "key" to corresponding file widget.json

For example, map value = customField

Step4 Filter.

If the application lacks a filtration feature, it implies that the parameter associated with filtration would be absent.

This example demonstrates how to select filtering conditions for a field with the String type. For comprehensive information on all fields available for filtering, please refer to the article


In the map key, receive the filtration type. Can observe the relationship between standard filtering and standard field types here .

For example, map key = customField.contains

In the map value, obtain the filtering criteria for selecting specific data.

For example, map value = Test data

    public Page<MyEntityOutServiceDTO> getList(final BusinessComponent bc, final QueryParameters queryParameters) {

        //Page size
        String page = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_page");

        String limit = bc.getParameters().getParameter("_limit");

        List<String> filterCustomField = getFilterFieldName(queryParameters, "customField", "contains");
        Optional<String> filter = filterCustomField.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(filterCustomField.get(0));

        List<String> sortCustomField = getSortFieldName(queryParameters, "customField");
        Optional<String> sort = sortCustomField.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(sortCustomField.get(0));

        String urlTemplate = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl())
                .queryParam("number", page)
                .queryParam("size", limit)
                .queryParamIfPresent("filterCustomField", filter)
                .queryParamIfPresent("sortCustomField", sort)

        ResponseEntity<RestResponsePage<MyEntityOutServiceDTO>> responseEntity =
                new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {

        return responseEntity.getBody();

    private List<String> getSortFieldName(QueryParameters queryParameters, String fieldName) {
        return queryParameters.getParameters().entrySet().stream()
                .filter(f -> f.getKey().contains("_sort"))
                .filter(f -> f.getValue().contains(fieldName))
                .map(m -> {
                            String[] splitOperation = m.getKey().split("\\.");
                            return splitOperation[splitOperation.length - 1];

    private List<String> getFilterFieldName(QueryParameters queryParameters, String fieldName, String searchSpec) {
        return queryParameters.getParameters().entrySet().stream()
                .filter(f -> f.getKey().contains(fieldName + "." + searchSpec))



In this example, we're addressing the scenario where the service obtaining data only by ID. If your service relies solely on natural keys for data retrieval, you may find the following article helpful.


Step1 Method delete takes a BusinessComponent as input.

When calling the service, it's essential to provide the Id record as a parameter for which data will be returned.

Long Id  = bc.getIdAsLong().

Example of fetching data using REST:

    public void delete(BusinessComponent bc) {
                fromUriString(integrationConfig.getExistingMicroservicesDataServerUrl() + "/{id}").build().expand(bc.getIdAsLong()).normalize().encode()
                DELETE, null, Void.class



In this example, we're addressing the scenario where the service obtaining data only by ID. If your service relies solely on natural keys for data retrieval, you may find the following article helpful.


Step1 Method update takes a BusinessComponent as input.

When calling the service, it's essential to provide theId record as a parameter for which data will be returned.

Long Id  = bc.getIdAsLong().

Example of fetching data using REST:

    public MyEntityOutServiceDTO update(BusinessComponent bc, MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
                PUT, new HttpEntity<>(entity), MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class



In this example, we're addressing the scenario where the service obtaining data only by ID. If your service relies solely on natural keys for data retrieval, you may find the following article helpful.


Step1 Method create takes a BusinessComponent as input.

When calling the service, it's essential to provide the Id record as a parameter for which data will be returned.

Long Id  = bc.getIdAsLong().

Example of fetching data using REST:

    public MyEntityOutServiceDTO create(BusinessComponent bc, MyEntityOutServiceDTO entity) {
                POST, new HttpEntity<>(entity), MyEntityOutServiceDTO.class