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AssocListPopup widget is a popup component designed to the selection of multiple values.


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How does it look?

not applicable

not applicable



not applicable

not applicable

How to add?


not applicable

not applicable

Step1 Add field with type multivalue see more Fields

  "name": "MyExampleForm",
  "title": "Form",
  "type": "Form",
  "bc": "myexample",
  "fields": [
      "label": "Custom Field New",
      "key": "customFieldNew",
      "type": "input"
      "label": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "multivalue",
      "displayedKey": "customFieldDisplayedKey",
      "popupBcName": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
      "assocValueKey": "customField"
  "options": {
    "actionGroups": {
      "include": [
    "layout": {
      "rows": [
          "cols": [
              "fieldKey": "customFieldNew",
              "span": 12
          "cols": [
              "fieldKey": "customField",
              "span": 12

Step2 Add widget to corresponding *.view.json* .

  "name": "myexampleform",
  "title": "MyExample Form",
  "template": "DashboardView",
  "url": "/screen/myexample/view/myexampleform",
  "widgets": [
      "widgetName": "myexampleAssoc",
      "position": 1,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
      "position": 2,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "SecondLevelMenu",
      "position": 10,
      "gridWidth": 12
      "widgetName": "MyExampleForm",
      "position": 20,
      "gridWidth": 24
  "rolesAllowed": [

Step1 Add button associate to corresponding VersionAwareResponseService.

    public Actions<MyExampleDTO> getActions() {
        return Actions.<MyExampleDTO>builder()
                .associate(ast -> ast
                        .text("Popup Assoc")
                .action(act -> act
                        .action("save", "save")
                .create(crt -> crt)
                .delete(dlt -> dlt)
Step2 Add method doAssociate to corresponding VersionAwareResponseService.


    protected AssociateResultDTO doAssociate(List<AssociateDTO> data, BusinessComponent bc) {
        List<MyEntity> myEntityList = addNewRecords(data, bc);
        List<MyExampleDTO> collect =
                .map(e -> entityToDto(bc, e))
        return new AssociateResultDTO((List) collect);
method addNewRecords
    private List<MyEntity> addNewRecords(List<AssociateDTO> dataIds, BusinessComponent bc) {
        List<MyEntity> recordList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (AssociateDTO item : dataIds) {
            List<MyEntityMulti> listMultivalue = new ArrayList<>();
            Optional<MyEntityMulti> entityChild = repositoryMulti.findById(Long.valueOf(item.getId()));
            MyEntity myEntity = new MyEntity().setCustomFieldList(listMultivalue).setCustomFieldNew(entityChild.get().getCustomFieldNew());
        return recordList;

Step3 Create file .widget.json with type = "assoc" and name = parent bc + "Assoc"

Add existing field to assoc widget. see more Fields

  "title": "AssocListPopup widget action button",
  "name": "myexampleAssoc",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myexampleAssoc",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "Custom Field New",
      "key": "customFieldNew",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"
Step4 Add a dependency on parent BC for Assoc BC for to corresponding EnumBcIdentifier

Step5 Add assoc widget to corresponding *.view.json* .

  "name": "myexamplelist",
  "title": "MyExample Form",
  "template": "DashboardView",
  "url": "/screen/myexample/view/myexamplelist",
  "widgets": [
      "widgetName": "myexampleAssoc",
      "position": 1,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
      "position": 2,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "SecondLevelMenu",
      "position": 10,
      "gridWidth": 12
      "widgetName": "MyExampleList",
      "position": 20,
      "gridWidth": 12
  "rolesAllowed": [

not applicable

not applicable


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Title Basic

Title for widget (optional)

There are types of:

  • constant title: shows constant text.
  • constant title empty: if you want to visually connect widgets by them to be placed one under another

How does it look?



How to add?


Step1 Add name for title to .widget.json.

  "name": "myEntityMultiPickAssocListPopup",
  "title": "AssocListPopup with title",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiPick",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"
Live Sample · GitHub

Step1 Delete parameter title to .widget.json.

  "name": "myEntityMultiPickAssocEmptyListPopup",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiPickEmpty",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"

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Title Color

Title Color allows you to specify a color for a title. It can be constant or calculated.

Constant color

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Constant color is a fixed color that doesn't change. It remains the same regardless of any factors in the application.

Calculated color

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Calculated color can be used to change a title color dynamically. It changes depending on business logic or data in the application.


Title colorization is applicable to the following fields: date, dateTime, dateTimeWithSeconds, number, money, percent, time, input, text, dictionary, radio, checkbox, multivalue, multivalueHover.

How does it look?


How to add?

Step 1 Add custom field for color to corresponding DataResponseDTO. The field can contain a HEX color or be null.

public class MyEntityMultiPickDTO extends DataResponseDTO {
    @SearchParameter(name = "customField")
    private String customField;
    @SearchParameter(name = "customFieldText")
    private String customFieldText;
    private String customFieldColor;
    private String customFieldColorFieldText;

    public MyEntityMultiPickDTO(MyEntityMulti entity) { = entity.getId().toString();
        this.customField = entity.getCustomField();
        this.customFieldText = entity.getCustomFieldText();
        this.customFieldColor = "#edaa";
        this.customFieldColorFieldText = "#aeda";


Step 2 Add "bgColorKey" : custom field for color and to .widget.json.

Add in title field with ${customField}

  "title": "Field Input: ${customField}, Field Text: ${customFieldText}",
  "name": "myEntityMultiPickAssocListPopup",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiPick",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field Input",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input",
      "bgColorKey": "customFieldColor"
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customFieldText",
      "type": "text",
      "bgColorKey": "customFieldColorFieldText"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"

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Add "bgColor" : HEX color to .widget.json.

Add in title field with ${customField}

  "title": "Field Input: ${customField}, Field Text: ${customFieldText}"  ,
  "name": "myEntityMultiPickAssocListPopup",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiPick",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field Input",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input",
      "bgColor": "#edaa"
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customFieldText",
      "type": "text",
      "bgColor": "#aeda"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"

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Business component

This specifies the business component (BC) to which this form belongs. A business component represents a specific part of a system that handles a particular business logic or data.

see more Business component

Show condition


Fields Configuration. The fields array defines the individual fields present within the form.

    "title": "Custom Field",
    "key": "customField",
    "type": "input"
  • "title"

Description: Field Title.

Type: String(optional).

  • "key"

Description: Name field to corresponding DataResponseDTO.

Type: String(required).

  • "type"

Description: Field types

Type: String(required).

How to add?


Step 1 Download plugin download Intellij Plugin

Step 2 Add existing field to an existing form widget addfield.gif

Add field to .widget.json.

     "title": "AssocListPopup title",
     "name": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
     "type": "AssocListPopup",
     "bc": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
     "fields": [
         "title": "Custom Field",
         "key": "customField",
         "type": "input"
         "title": "id",
         "key": "id",
         "type": "text"

Options layout

options.layout - no use in this type.


Actions show available actions as separate buttons see more Actions.

Standard Actions:

  • Create: Action to initialize the process of creating a new record
  • Delete: Remove an existing record
  • Edit: Users to update or correct information
  • Save: Action to store the data entered or modified
  • Cancel-create: Action to abort the creation of a new record, discarding any input without saving

As for assoc widget, there are several actions.


Create button enables you to create a new value by clicking the Add button. This action can be performed in three different ways, feel free to choose any, depending on your logic of application:

There are three methods to create a record:

  • Inline: You can add a line directly.


Pagination won't function until the page is refreshed after adding records.

  • Inline-form: You can add data using a form widget without leaving your current view.

  • With view: not applicable.


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With Line Addition, a new empty row is immediately added to the top of the assoc widget when the "Add" button is clicked. This is a quick way to add rows without needing to input data beforehand.

How does it look?


How to add?

Step1 Add button create to corresponding VersionAwareResponseService.

    public Actions<MyEntityMultiMultivalueDTO> getActions() {
        return Actions.<MyEntityMultiMultivalueDTO>builder()
                .create(crt -> crt.text("Add"))
                .save(sv -> sv.text("Save"))
                .cancelCreate(ccr -> ccr.text("Cancel").available(bc -> true))
                .delete(dlt -> dlt.text("Delete"))

Step2 Add button create to corresponding .widget.json.

  "name": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopupCreateAssocListPopup",
  "title": "AssocListPopup create inline",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopupCreate",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"
  "options": {
    "actionGroups": {
      "include": [

Step3 Add fields.setEnabled to corresponding FieldMetaBuilder.

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Create with widget opens an additional widget when the "Add" button is clicked. The form will appear on the same screen, allowing you to view both the assoc of entities and the form for adding a new row. After filling the information in and clicking "Save", the new row is added to the assoc.

How does it look?


How to add?

Step1 Add button create to corresponding VersionAwareResponseService.

    public Actions<MyEntityMultiMultivalueDTO> getActions() {
        return Actions.<MyEntityMultiMultivalueDTO>builder()
                .create(crt -> crt.text("Add"))
                .save(sv -> sv.text("Save"))
                .cancelCreate(ccr -> ccr.text("Cancel").available(bc -> true))
                .delete(dlt -> dlt.text("Delete"))
Step2 Add fields.setEnabled to corresponding FieldMetaBuilder.

Step3 Create widget.json with type Form that appears when you click a button
  "title": "",
  "name": "myEntityMultiFormForPopup",
  "type": "Form",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
  "fields": [
      "label": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
  "options": {
    "layout": {
      "rows": [
          "cols": [
              "fieldKey": "customField",
              "span": 12
    "actionGroups": {
      "include": [

Step4 Add widget.json with type Form to corresponding .view.json.

  "name": "myexampleinlinecreate",
  "title": "MyExample List",
  "template": "DashboardView",
  "url": "/screen/myexample/view/myexampleinlinecreate",
  "widgets": [
      "widgetName": "SecondLevelMenu",
      "position": 1,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "myEntityMultiFormForPopup",
      "position": 1,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
      "position": 2,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "ThirdLevelMenu",
      "position": 4,
      "gridWidth": 24
      "widgetName": "MyExampleForm",
      "position": 20,
      "gridWidth": 24
  "rolesAllowed": [

Step5 Add button create and widget with type Form to corresponding .widget.json.

options.create: Name widget that appears when you click a button

  "title": "AssocListPopup widget action create Inline-form",
  "name": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiAssocListPopup",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"
  "options": {
    "create": {
      "widget": "myEntityMultiFormForPopup"
    "edit": {
      "widget": "myEntityMultiFormForPopup"
    "actionGroups": {
      "include": [

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With view

not applicable


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Delete remove an existing record.


Please note that the row you are attempting to delete may be referenced by another part of the system or a parent entity. To ensure clarity, you should handle this exception and provide a explanation to the user.

How does it look?


How to add?

Step1 Add action delete to corresponding VersionAwareResponseService.

By default, the access button is available when a record exist.

    public Actions<MyExampleDTO> getActions() {
        return Actions.<MyExampleDTO>builder()
                .action(act -> act
                        .action("save", "save")
                .create(crt -> crt)
                .delete(dlt -> dlt)

Step2 Add button ot group button to corresponding .widget.json.

  "title": "AssocListPopup widget action save",
  "name": "myEntityMultiAssocSaveListPopup",
  "type": "AssocListPopup",
  "bc": "myEntityMultiAssocSaveListPopup",
  "fields": [
      "title": "Custom Field",
      "key": "customField",
      "type": "input"
      "title": "id",
      "key": "id",
      "type": "text"
  "options": {
    "actionGroups": {
      "include": [
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Edit enables you to change the field value. Just like with Create button, there are three ways of implementing this Action.

There are three methods to create a record:

  • Inline edit: You can edit a line directly.

  • Inline-form: You can edit data using a form widget without leaving your current view.

  • With view: not applicable

Inline edit

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Edit Inline implies inline-edit. Click twice on the value you want to change.

How does it look?


How to add?

Step1 Add fields.setEnabled to corresponding FieldMetaBuilder.

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not applicable

With view

not applicable

Additional properties

Customization of displayed columns

not applicable



see more Fields


FullTextSearch - when the user types in the full text search input area, then widget filters the rows that match the search query. see FullTextSearch

Personal filter group

not applicable

Filter group

not applicable


Pagination is the process of dividing content into separate, discrete pages, making it easier to navigate and consume large amounts of information. see Pagination

Export to Excel

not applicable