Key updates August 2024
CXBOX 4.0.0-M5 (Core)
Dependencies have been changed
- bumped org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-parent to 3.2.5 from 3.2.4
- removed org.apache.commons/commons-text dependency
- removed de.odysseus.juel/* dependencies
- removed commons-io/commons-io dependency
- removed org.glassfish/javax.el dependency
- removed java.security.AccessController class usage
- removed jenkins ci pipeline file (GitHub ci is used instead)
- removed liquibase-maven-plugin dependency
- removed com.google.auto.service/auto-service dependency
- bumped jacoco-maven-plugin to 0.8.11 from 0.8.14
- removed com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl dependency
- removed com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-core dependency
- removed maven-gpg-plugin dependency and release profile from cxbox-starter-parent (they will no loner be visible in customer projects, so confusion is reduced)
- fixed dependency-review-config file folder
- removed com.google/guava dependency
- removed commons-collections4 dependency
- change commons-lang3 dependency version to be managed by spring-boot
Only 2 dependencies versions are now explicitly set in cxbox core
- core level: security issues can now be easily solved with just bumping spring-boot version in core now
- project level: dependencies versions can be overriden on project level just like in usual spring-boot app (see)
Other Changes
see cxbox changelog
CXBOX (Demo)
Front. Dependencies have been changed
- axios: 1.6.0
- rc-select: 14.11.0
- @types/lodash.debounce: 4.0.9
New version core
New version core CXBOX 4.0.0-M5
Added SIEM integration example
Added an example demonstrating how to log CrudmaAction
along with the associated data.
Fixed errors for showCondition.
Resolved an error that occurred when two widgets were present on the screen in one BC with showCondition, where one widget was hidden and the other was visible
Fixed errors encountered during drilldown transitions.
1) Fixed an error that occurred after switching between tabs when navigating to a screen via a link from another screen, where both the source and destination links had different BC.
2) Resolved an error that occurred when navigating between screens via a link, where the source and target screens contained multiple widget sets based on different BCs.
Added the ability to switch to a hidden view within tabs.
Added the ability to switch to a hidden view within tabs.