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Key updates August 2024

CXBOX (Demo)

New version core

New version core CXBOX 4.0.0-M6

File API authorization


Added: File upload is now available only for authorized users. An authorization token is passed while uploading a single file or multiple files. Otherwise, file upload option will not be available. The same logic is applicable to file preview and file download processes.

Creating a Line in the InlinePickList Popup


Added: We have extended the possibility of creating a new line in picklist and inline-picklist fields. One can now create new row in picklist/inline-picklist during parent edit/creation process (Parent force save is not triggered anymore. As a result required fields do not block row creation in picklist anymore, parent changes can be correctly cancelled even after new row creation in picklist and so on). New special method for fetching parent DTO field with single line of code introduced

Tab functionality

Added: we added type tag for different tab schemas (just like field types and widget types). Default tab schema has type='standard' now. Few fixes in it:

1) Fixed: resolved an error that occurred when navigating between screens via a link to a related entity on the same screen


2) Fixed: the work of third-level tabs



3) Fixed: default display hidden view of the first level

We have added a restriction for displaying hidden views in navigation. Now, if a hidden view is specified in the metadata, it will not be displayed when the screen is opened. For the application to work correctly, the following rule must be observed: at each navigation level (aggregate or single), there must be at least one visible view.

Added fulltext search option in pop-up (pickListPopup and inlinePickList)


A search bar has been added.When the user types in the full text search input area, then widget filters the rows that match the search query (search criteria is configurable and will usually check if at least one column has corresponding value). This feature makes it easier for users to quickly find the information they are looking for within a List widget.

Other Changes

see cxbox-demo changelog

CXBOX 4.0.0-M6 (Core)

Creation of new record directly in Popup (picklist, inlinePicklist and so on)

  • Added: abstractAnySourceResponseService and AbstractResponseService now have new method getParentField(<PARENT_DTO>_.<parent_field>, bc) to get Parent bc DTO field with single line of code
  • Added: support of creation new records directly in popups (picklist and so on) without force saving parent bc. AbstractAnySourceResponseService and AbstractResponseService can be used for this popups services with the only restriction -- one must use new method getParentField instead of repository.findById(bc.getParentIdAsLong()) to get parent values if needed
  • Fixed: BcStateAware now cleans cache only for exact bc (for user session), when terminal action request completed (instead of whole cache for user session)

LOV sorting in filter and edit dropdowns by display_order

  • Added: java doc for setDictionaryTypeWithAllValues and setAllFilterValuesByLovType methods describing, that this methods sort items by display_order, then by key. Deleted duplication methods setAllFilterValuesByLovTypeOrdered and setDictionaryTypeWithAllValuesOrdered
  • Fixed: setAllFilterValuesByLovType method signature - redundant argument fields removed
  • Fixed: setDictionaryTypeWithAllValues method signature - redundant argument fields removed
  • Fixed: LOV dictionary loader : NOW: sorting items by display_order, then by key (display_order can be null) WAS: sorting items by display_order (display_order could not be null)

Other Changes

see cxbox changelog

CXBOX plugin

We've updated the plugin to version 1.7.5.

New. For new field code generation plugin uses setIfChanged


For new field code generation plugin uses setIfChanged single line mapping where possible

Fix. Generation of pickList/inline-pickList fields types unique name


For new field code generation of pickList/inline-pickList fields types plugin now generates unique name for popup corresponding classes

Fix. For new field code generation when you do not have DTO_ class

dto_.gif For new field code generation when you do not have DTO_ class (generated with maven plugin), then plugin auto generates DTO_ for you (also it will now automatically create auto generated sources folder in /target and add it as sources root to IDE)