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Key updates September 2024

CXBOX (Core Ui)

Redesign of saving context for tabs

If the view change was triggered by switching tabs:

  1. Pagination, data, and rowMeta will remain unchanged. Data will only be requested if it hasn’t been loaded yet or if the parent bc cursor has changed. There will no longer be a re-request of data for all bc.
  2. When fetching data for the parent bc, an additional check will remove outdated data for child bookmakers from the store.
  3. The frequency of bcChangeCursors calls has been reduced.



CXBOX (Demo)

New version core

New version core CXBOX 4.0.0-M8

Fixed User Roles

Fixed the display of multiple roles and the ability to switch between them.


Fixed Content-Disposition Header Handling

We have fixed the handling of the Content-Disposition header to ensure correct file display during preview.
Changes made:
Frontend: The correct Content-Disposition header is now passed.
Backend: Updated the cxbox controller to handle the inline parameter.
The header is set as follows:
- Content-Disposition: inline when preview=true.
- Content-Disposition: attachment when preview=false or by default.
The Result:
For file preview requests, the header will be inline.
For file downloads or when the parameter is missing, the header will be attachment.


Added text customization in PreAction.Confirm for buttons and title

We have added the ability to set custom text for confirmation title and buttons.


Updated the logic of text colorization width

We have updated the text colorization logic. Now, if the string exceeds 100 pixels in length, the highlight dynamically adjusts to the string length, preventing the text from overflowing beyond the highlighted area.


Fixed fields' alignment in the multi-column form widget

We have resolved the alignment issue with fields in the multi-column form widget. The fields are now properly aligned across columns.


Fixed the display of grouping columns in Grouping Hierarchy (list widget mode)

We have added a condition to ensure that hidden fields in hierarchical mode are properly displayed in list widget mode.


CXBOX 4.0.0-M8 (Core)

Added SuperBuilder to BaseEntity

The @SuperBuilder annotation was added to the BaseEntity and AbstractEntity classes. This change was made to align these classes with the DTO classes, where this annotation had already been introduced.

Added the setHidden,setNotHidden, hidden method

We standardized the behavior of the hidden method to align with how the required method works.


The old methods are marked as deprecated.


Flush and setWithFirstLevelCache return the entity

The logic of the save method for creating and updating entities has been changed. Instead of using the method flush(bc), a simpler version without parameters flush() is now used. This allows for inlining the result in the return statement, and the method automatically determines whether to perform an update or create operation.

Critical changes:
If the class implements the AnySourceBaseDAO interface, the return type must be changed from void to the entity type, so that the method can return the object after flush() is executed.



This simplifies the code and allows the method to be directly inlined in the return, while still automatically determining the type of operation (create or update).

Added the setCurrentValue generics method

The setCurrentValue methods in DTOs have been updated to use generics, improving type checking and ensuring that passed values conform to expected types, which helps prevent type-related errors.


fields.get(final DtoField<? super T, ?> field).setCurrentValue(Object object);


fields.setCurrentValue(final DtoField<? super T, E> field, E value);

Added the ability to disable sorting for a field

The ability to control sorting of table fields has been introduced, allowing sorting to be enabled or disabled on a per-field basis.


By default, sortEnabledDefault parameter is set to false. If you want sorting to be enabled across the entire project, you need to set sortEnabledDefault = true in the MetaConfigurationProperties.

1. Field-Level Sorting Control: the sorting behavior can be managed for each field independently. You can enable sorting on specific fields using the fields.enableSort() method on the backend. If a field is set as sortable=true, the sorting icon will appear, allowing users to add or change sorting. If sortable=false, the icon will either be hidden or inactive.
2. Default Sorting: fields with default sorting remain active, even if not sortable. Users can view it but cannot modify it unless the field is sortable.
3. Multi-Field Sorting:
- Multiple fields can be sorted via default settings, but in the UI, sorting can only be applied to one sortable field.
- Sorting icons for sortable and non-sortable fields are visually distinct.


Added lambda based action builder api

Using old api users common mistake was to forget .add() method and lose action without any compiler or runtime exception. Also, bad actions visual separation was another common problem. New lambda based api solves both this problems:


public Actions<DashboardFilterDTO> getActions() {

    return Actions.<DashboardFilterDTO>builder()
            .action("filter", "Apply Filters")
            .invoker((bc, dto) -> new ActionResultDTO<>())
            .available(bc -> true).withAutoSaveBefore()


public Actions<DashboardFilterDTO> getActions() {
    return Actions.<DashboardFilterDTO>builder()
            .action(act -> act
                    .action("filter", "Apply Filters")
                    .invoker((bc, dto) -> new ActionResultDTO<>())
                    .available(bc -> true).withAutoSaveBefore()

Other Changes

see cxbox changelog

CXBOX plugin

We've updated the plugin to version 1.7.6. Will be available in Intellij public Marketplace in a few days!

Fix for filtering fields of Type Hint

The SearchParameter annotation was added to Hint fields in the DTO, enabling proper filtering functionality.

Added quick-fix for action builder api

You can choose to migrate actions either selectively or for the entire project to the new API.



For the entire project:


Added inspection for widget references

  1. Reference and inspection for option.create.widget and option.edit.widget
    1.1 Added references in .widget.json for option.create.widget and option.edit.widget to the name field, enabling autocomplete, navigation to usages, definition, and rename refactoring.
    1.2 Error and warning inspections added for invalid widget types and missing references.
  2. Reference and inspection for confirmWithCustomWidget
    2.1 Implemented references for confirmWithCustomWidget method arguments to widgets in .widget.json, with the same autocomplete, navigation, and refactoring functionality.
    2.2 Error and warning inspections added for invalid widget types and missing references. confirmWithCustomWidget_reference&inspection
  3. Introduced the @WidgetName annotation in the core, which checks the widget type via the typePostfix parameter to ensure the correct type is used.
  4. Expanded coverage of inspections and autocompletion for methods where arguments are annotated with @WidgetName.

CXBOX documentation

Added description tabs

Added a description of tab functionality and detailed instructions for creating and organizing different levels of tabs on the screen.


Basic for developer